Long Awaited Dentist, Podcast Overload, Mountain that's Easily Climbed. 5 Steps #13

1.     Long Awaited Dentist: Yesterday, the long wait and search for a natural equine dentist finally came to fruition. And it was better than I could have ever hoped for. Conversations were full of truth, seeking, listening, learning and laughs. I smiled so much, but the end my cheeks were sore. Birdie, Shasta and Rocki got done yesterday and they all handled it well. Birdie in particular seemed to be impacted most noticeably. When I came out to check on her one last time before bed she was moving her mouth in all sorts of directions. It was a little odd, yet it didn’t seem stressed or uncomfortable. More like, “hey mom, look at all the ways I can move my mouth!” I’m so excited to see what changes come in their body, mind and emotions from this!

2.     Podcast Overload: I got to go on a little venture by myself on Friday. 6.5hrs alone in the car allowed some great conversations with friends and a lot of time for listening to podcasts. The Mind Change Podcast has really peaked my interest, so I ended up binging on their channel. I picked episodes that interested me and they dig so deep into the emotions and mind, it was quite revelatory and full of resonances with the information shared. Later in the drive I thought maybe I should change podcasts to give myself a break, but I was so intrigued against my probably better judgement I continued. That evening I noticed a couple “symptoms” pop up that were covered in some of the podcasts. Hmm. The next day my body was in full on detox mode. It was like I got a pretty serious stomach bug. Yet, doing a little more questioning and noticing when my symptoms were worse and when they got better, or were gone, I connected it to all of the emotions pulled up during my podcast binge. It’s fascinating. It wasn’t fun, but I’m assuming there was a lot that needed to be let go of, and who am I to slow that down? But for future, I’ll probably listen to my sub-conscious next time when it seems to tell me, hey this is probably enough for a day. Haha.

3.     The Blessing of Fellowship: Part of the trip I mentioned above was to meet with Susan Booth from Azure Standard, who is also the VP of Azure Living Well. Azure Well is a whole food, high quality, no filler supplement company that just launched a few months ago. We have been Azure Standard customers for years, where we buy 95% of our groceries from. When we found out they were partnering with Well-Being by Design, the health clinic we use in Ohio, we were so excited and amazed at the connection of these two amazing companies (who we see as people!). The opportunity to meet and chat with Susan was such a blessing and treat. 2 hours of conversation flies by. This time, her mom, Linda got to join which is an added blessing. I was able to share more about my dream/vision of this rodeo pursuit, the truth that has been revealed in this journey, and how it all ties together. We ended up to the last minute and excited for next time we get to gather. I LOVE FELLOWSHIPPING with such SPECIAL people!

4.     Memorial Day BBQ: We got to gather with a group of amazing families yesterday. Our dear friends hosted at their home and daringly told us “invite whoever you want.” So we did. While I was busy detoxing on Saturday, Uriah graciously took Kadima to the park and when he came home he said, “I think I met my friend!” He told me all about Tim, who was a dad who also took his son to the park who is a similar age to Kadima, to give mom a little alone time. It was clear there was a lot in common, so Uriah decided to invite Tim and his family to the BBQ. It was pretty brave of us and of them to show, but then again it wasn’t, because when you make connections things like this don’t seem so strange. And it wasn’t. We talked and laughed and connected over so many things. One more family to the “tribe” of amazing families we are blessed to be connected with. We are so grateful.

5.     The Mountain that is Easily Climbed: Part 2: 2 blogs ago, I mentioned that Coach Janet told me at the end of our meeting, “You are climbing a mountain, but it’s a mountain easily climbed.” I was dumbfounded at the statement, I have never heard anything like that before about a mountain. I didn’t get it but I wrote it down because I knew it meant something important. Sure enough, Yah revealed it to me last week. While I was talking with some dear friends, they asked “what is your routine?” I really appreciated the question as I really had to think about that. I started to share and then at the end I added, “Of course, this is the ‘ideal.’ I haven’t ridden in a couple of weeks… but you know what? I don’t feel behind at all. With all I’ve learned these last couple of weeks I am going to be able to reach our body goals so much faster than I would have been able to before.” Then it hit me. This was the mountain that was easily climbed. It’s the same mountain, but knowing how Creation works and how to do it WITH Yah and not against Him, makes this mountain easy to climb. It’s amazing. This has released me in so many ways. It hadn’t been an easy couple of weeks, but the knowledge that was gained was invaluable. I can’t wait to climb mountains with my horses, knowing that Yah will be teaching and encouraging us along the way.

5 Steps Closer, thank you for coming along.  

Nicole & The Team,

Uriah, Kadima, Birdie, Blondie, Dean, Grace, Rocki, Salily, Shasta & Shmini

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Nicole Kallstrom

Nicole Kallstrom

Nicole Kallstrom (Aichele) is wife to Uriah Kallstrom and a horse mom to 8 mares. Formerly a world record holding barrel racer, she enjoys cross training in French Classical dressage, natural healing philosophies and sharing her knowledge and growth with others through lessons, clinics and writing.

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About Me

Nicole Kallstrom (Aichele) is wife to Uriah Kallstrom and a horse mom to 8 mares. Formerly a world record holding barrel racer, she enjoys cross training in French Classical dressage, natural healing philosophies and sharing her knowledge and growth with others through lessons, clinics and writing.

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